Eat This with Lianne

Eat This with Lianne

Isophit Inventor Brad Thorpe and 4x World Figure Skating Champion join Lianne Phillipson and Chris on Eat This Podcast.

Eat This With Lianne: The ISOPHIT Effect (EP108)

We have all been inspired by the latest ,the newest, the greatest fitness gadget and gizmo that promises the unattainable "beach BOD"...only to be let down, often times not by the 'perfect program" itself...but our own lack of focus and commitment. Its not easy! if it was 'everyone' would be doing it.  On This Episode of Eat This with Lianne, we will explore, not a new fitness choice, but one that's been around for some time, and is quickly gaining more traction as a great way to start, hit, and traverse those fitness goals you dream of. It's called Isometric Strength Training. We'll speak to 2 very special, the inventor and of the ISOPHIT Training System and one of the world's leading authorities on Isometric Training, and one who's spent the majority of his athletic career at the top of the worlds figure skating podium! (pssst...its Kurt Browning!)

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