Please Don't Become Another Hip Statistic.

Please Don't Become Another Hip Statistic.

Did you know that the number one cause of hip fractures for people over 50 is falls associated with walking?

Studies have shown that just fifty percent of women and twenty percent of men over 50 will fracture their hip.

I know what you're thinking.

"It's not going to happen to me."

Have you heard of Optimism Bias?

Optimism Bias is the belief that each of us is more likely to experience good outcomes and less likely to experience bad outcomes. The key to optimism bias is that we disregard the reality of an overall situation because we think we are excluded from the potential negative effects.

We might as well get it out of the way because it's easier, cheaper, and much less painful to prevent "bone breaks" than repair and recover from them.

I have 2265 people on my email list, 1404 (62%) are women, and 861 (38%) are men. Based on current statistical evidence, 874 of them will fracture their hip at some point. That's just insane!

In my opinion, if you want to defy the odds stacked against you. You're going to have to do something radically different.

You're going to have to strengthen your muscles, bones, tendons, and nervous system with isometric strength training.

Unfortunately, traditional motion-based exercise methods are not as effective as isometrics. That's why so many people have issues with Osteoporosis, bone fractures, and falls.

So how does one strengthen, grow, and heal bone tissue with isometrics?

We answer those questions and many others  in our Isometrics for Bone Heath episode of Zero Velocity on our home page. 


Brad Thorpe

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