This One is For Our Moms

This One is For Our Moms

Motherhood is an emotional rollercoaster. Moms may experience stress, joy, sacrifice, happiness, loneliness, warmth, and love. Many times they experience these emotions within seconds of each other. Yes, as in every second, and yes, all of them at once. Moms, seriously, are that awesome.

Over the last 28 years of my professional practice, I have had the honour of working with many moms to help "restore" their core postpartum.

Let's face it. Pregnancy is super tough on a women's body. Whether it's the nine months of extended abdominal stretching or the weight gain that helps grow and comfort a new life, or the separation of the linea alba (no relationship to Jessica Alba) to provide "additional room" for the new bundle of joy. These are just a few naturally occurring phenomena that moms face each pregnancy. Trust me; there are many, many more.

Now, let's not forget the countless surgical influences a mom can experience during labor that will affect their body postpartum. They include an epidural that penetrates the spinal cord, a C-Section that alters the neuromuscular function of the abdominal cavity. And then, there is the trauma that delivery can cause to the pelvic floor.

Considering all that moms go through, it was an absolute privilege to record this episode of Zero Velocity dedicated to isometrics for postpartum women.

The episode offers safe, effective, and time-efficient ways to improve joint and muscle laxity, back pain, and diastasis recti. Give it a watch, and please share it with all the moms you know. It can help resolve many of the issues moms have faced since giving birth.

You can watch the episode Right Here.


Brad Thorpe

Isophit Inventor

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